Miss Davies English Revision!

Welcome to a page brimming with English Literature and English Language Resources.
You will also find saved PowerPoints from our lessons in class so that you can go over key quotations, themes and ideas.

English Language Revision:

Go to the English Language links at the top and try some past papers.
Focus on the questions that you struggle with most.
Don’t try to do whole papers, just select a question and put a timer on your phone.
Remember that reading more regularly will also strengthen your skills.
Go to the link below for a selection of non-fiction texts to read for Paper 2 ‘exercise’.

English Literature Revision:

Revise the context (AO3) of each text.
Use plenty of MEMORY aids to rehearse quotations. Tip: know 5 quotes for each character in your texts.
Write out quotations and comment on the effect of individual words and methods.
Use YouTube videos like Mr Bruff and StaceyRae
Re-read the texts!

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